Passion. Experience. Trust.
Following full careers in the CIA, Karen and Peter deLacy bring the breadth of those experiences, disciplines, and passion for making a difference to this collaboration.
Karen deLacy
As a woman in the CIA’s clandestine service for over three decades, Karen’s career affords real-world leadership and insights into the personal and organizational challenges of advancing workforce inclusion. Combining these insights and her academic qualifications, she has conducted executive leadership and intercultural training sessions in the US, Asia, Africa and Europe. Karen has presented and published on gender equity and leadership.
Karen holds a Masters Degree in Organizational Development and is a graduate of Georgetown University’s Executive Coaching Program. She is a recipient of the CIA’s Career Intelligence Medal and the Director of National Intelligence Culper Award.
TS/SCI with Full Scope Polygraph.
MA, Organizational Development, Marymount University
BA, Radford University
Executive Coaching Certificate, Georgetown University
Activities & Affiliations
“Why We Need Courageous Leaders in a #MeToo World,” Presentation at the Institute for Transformational Leadership Network Conference, May 30, 2019
Certified Dare to Lead™ Program Facilitator
Peter deLacy
With over 28 years experience in the CIA, Peter is a lawyer and experienced educator/trainer. He has designed and implemented legal compliance education programs. His teaching experience includes as a member of the faculty of the National War College, Washington DC. Also a former certified CIA Directorate of Operations officer, Peter brings a unique mixture of operational and legal acumen to the services provided by deLacy Associates.
Peter is a recipient of the George H. Bush Award for Excellence in Counterterrorism and a member of the Senior Intelligence Service.
TS/SCI with Full Scope Polygraph.
JD and LLM, Georgetown University Law Center
BA, History (Phi Beta Kappa), Boston College
Activities & Affiliations
Member, District of Columbia Bar